Thursday, April 29, 2010

Death is Not a Choice

By David S. Roberts

This is a difficult subject with emotions running very deep on both sides of the issue. Many fear to approach this subject with good reason, few want to take the stand that I will and do because of my own deep convictions about this topic. In preparation for this article, several sad truths came to light. First, there is a deadly contradiction at work in American society. Second, there is an underlying value being ignored in American society. And third, there is a terrible apathy about this subject in American society. You will not agree with everything I write, and that's okay, I would simply ask that you listen and open your mind and your heart to the message.

I. There is a Deadly Contradiction at Work.

We all saw the headlines. I don't think that there was one of us that wasn't shocked when we heard that Susan Smith drove that car into the lake with her children inside. She killed them because, now as a newly divorced mom, they had become inconvenient, disposable because her dating life was suffering. The outrage of the country was immediate, callers to radio stations everywhere demanding that she be dealt the same fate she gave her sons, trapped in a car, at the bottom of a lake.

Or what about Andrea Yates or Kasey Anthony what person with a quarter of a conscience didn't scream out, 'God what's happening?' Or what about the case of the man charged with vehicular homicide more than a few years ago because the pregnant woman he struck suffered a miscarriage? The outcry is there, a baby is dead and the mother suffers a loss, and the community cries out to stop this kind of misfortune, but give that same man a license and a clinic and the baby he just killed becomes just another 'fetus'. AND THERE IS NO OUTCRY!
What about the pregnant woman who was charged with, get this, 'reckless endangerment of LIFE' when she disregarded the judge's orders to quit using drugs and used again?
What about the teenager who was charged with felony child abandonment, when she left her newborn child in the trash bin in an alley?

We all think, how could a mother kill her own child? But given the right circumstances, not one of these crimes can be prosecuted because in some cases, the fetus is a baby, and in others it's just a mass of tissue.

There is a deadly contradiction at work here. The debate for abortion used to center around whether the fetus was really a living human. But the pro-abortion folk lost that debate in every round, so the debate has changed focus. Whether the fetus is human or not is no longer the issue. It's PRO-CHOICE!

For the woman who wants her unborn child, the man who kills the child, accidentally, is charged with murder. For the woman who doesn't want the child, she is charged $425 by a man who kills her child legally. For the Andrea Yates or Kasey Anthonys' of the world, they are considered monsters, for the woman emerging from the abortion clinic, she is a hero of liberal causes. There is also a deadly contradiction in the news media, (surprised?) We all heard about the Florida abortion doctor who was gunned down in his home, it was on 24/7 until the killer was caught and jailed. How many of us heard about the Pro-Choice advocate who stormed into a church service one Sunday and gunned down the Pro-Life Minister? Where was that on the news? Or what about the woman who bled to death within hours of her abortion from the very clinic that the doctor who was gunned down worked in. What about the woman who was fired from her job at US West for wearing a pro-life pin to work? Was there any coverage of that? Outside of locally, no there was not. Did you hear any news of the prayer group who were meeting outside an abortion clinic who were beaten by police as they lay on the ground? Or about the van that deliberately and slowly ran over the pro-life activists, trying to deliver a woman to get an abortion?

What about the complaints from abortion clinics to the billboards being erected near their places of business that show a picture of a murdered unborn child. Pro-Choice advocates call them "tacky, in bad taste, and offensive". In other words, as long as what we are doing in here is not visible to the naked eye, then it's legal, protected and acceptable. But how dare you show other people what we do! Do any of these cases sound familiar to you, heard about them in the media? No, and you won't because as anyone with half a brain knows now-a-days, the media has an agenda all their own.
But think of it, when it is choice that determines whether an action is murder or acceptable, then we have eliminated any standard of right and wrong. Choice does not make the determination of life vs. non-life, life is life regardless, the choice is in the taking of that life and that is not one that we have the right to make. This brings us to our second truth.

II. There is an Underlying Value being Ignored.

Life is important to God. From the life of the unborn child to the life of the retiree, life is important to God.

Psalm 139:13-15
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place."

Jeremiah 1:4-5
"The word of the Lord came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

In reading these and other passages, we see that life is important to God, including the life of the unborn child, whom God knows, whom God forms, whom God can set apart. But in this country, choice has become God. We are ignoring a standard God Himself set. When we ignore the value of life in favor of choice, the choice then has to extend to the the children who are born, but who become hard to manage, to elderly parents who become incapable of fending for themselves, and to the handicapped who don't "contribute to our society".

And if you think that this sounds cruel, or farfetched, listen a moment. In the Netherlands, where abortion is and has been socially acceptable for more years than it has been here, they passed a euthanasia law allowing people to kill themselves if they so wish. But today, in the Netherlands, doctors in emergency rooms are given the option of whether to spend the time and efforts trying to save a life, as a matter of fact they have issued little cards much like our organ donor cards that say essentially, "please don't let me die, try to save me." If an accident victim does not have that card, the doctors make that person's final determination as to whether they will live or die. And it was just ten years ago that they introduced a law that would allow parents of any child born blind, deaf, retarded, or severely handicapped to decide if that child should be allowed to live, or left to starve to death alone in an isolation ward.

CHOICE HAS BECOME GOD! Now it's no longer an issue whether the life is human or not, now it's a matter of a parents', a doctors', a stressed out adult child's word, and a life can be legally discarded as if it were trash.
With respect for life is so scarce, no wonder we've got kids killing kids just to see what it would feel like.

You might say, Dave, what about the arguments the pro-abortion people use? Is the fetus human? Well, the Bible says so, and for me that is good enough. But for those of you who can't accept the Bible, what about Science? Science says so too. Life is defined as that which has ability to reproduce itself, and from the moment of conception, when each cell divides and reproduces, that is life.

Some use the "it's my body" argument against ending abortion, when in actuality, it's not the woman's body. The child is in the woman's body, but is distinct and separate from the woman, often having a different blood type than the woman. This is not a procedure to remove a tumor, it is a violent act of murder upon an innocent human infant. But let's just say that this isn't the case that the baby really is part of her body. We don't allow a woman to inject illegal drugs into her body. We don't allow her to sell her body in prostitution, except in Vegas, so that shouldn't really surprise anyone. So if we don't give a woman a right to do these things, how can she demand the right to murder her unborn child under the guise of "it's her body".
It is a false argument entirely.

But Dave, you might say, what about the children who are born handicapped. Wouldn't their "quality of life" mean anything to you? Let me answer you this way, when the right of another person to live comes down to the judgment of their contribution to society, or their comprehension as to the world around them, then we open the floodgates for increase moral disintegration. There are many healthy, sane people who only contribution to our society is in raising their children right, I'd say that is a great contribution to society. We wouldn't have the inspirational stories of Helen Keller, Ray Charles, or any other handicapped individual who may not have contributed like Keller or Charles but perhaps they have value because life is important to God. And He values them.
But let's use this same logic. Shouldn't we then as was done in the movie, Logan's Run, set an age limit up to which one may live? In the movie the age was 30, now, writing as a 40 year old, I would object to this policy, but let's say set it at 65. After all, they are done working then, so therefore cannot contribute any more to society. So all Senior Citizens upon reaching 65 years of age will be humanely put to sleep, medical costs would plummet, Social Security could be saved, but what for and nursing homes would no longer be a necessity.

Sound heartless? Life is life, whether it is the unborn child, or the retiree. And a woman no more has the moral right to the choice to end her unborn child's life than I have to end hers, yours, or anyone else's. Is the unborn child a life? Consider these facts:

The unborn child has a heartbeat by the 18th day.
The unborn child's brain begins to function at 40 days.
The unborn child breathes, moves and sleeps.
The unborn child grows, hiccups, and sucks his thumb.
The unborn child is operated on to correct defects and this is how they learned that the unborn child feels pain.
The unborn child is fully formed before the mother even knows she is pregnant.
The unborn child can survive outside the womb at 20 weeks and with current technology improving, that number will get pushed back to 19,18?

Abortions can be performed on these unborn children up to the moment of their birth. Most people aren't aware of what happens in an abortion, and though not pleasant, the fact is you've been lied to as to the normalcy and ease of this procedure. Abortion is a violent, dangerous procedure. I will not describe the methods used, I choose not to.

What I will describe to you are the saddest cases, the babies who are not wanted, but are too developed to be murdered without risk to the mother. They induce labor, and the child is left alone in a room separate from the viewing room at the hospital. They are allowed to starve to death, some who are too developed are taken part way out of the womb while the 'doctor' strangles the life out of the child, which upon death, is discarded in the trash.

III. There is a Terrible Apathy poisoning our Culture.

There is a terrible apathy poisoning our culture. We've got people going all out for all causes. There is a car driving around Kissimmee with loads of bumper stickers on the back, among them are, "Save the Whales", "Save the Manatees", "Meat is Murder" and finally, "I vote Pro-Choice". In other words, save everything but the humans!

We have people devoting time and energy to causes like saving the whale stuck in the ice flow, save the polar bears from global warming, bring back the red M&M, but very few are even trying to stop the murder of children!

And the most tragic part of it all is that there is a terrible apathy among Christians in regards to this subject. We think that there is nothing that we can do because the problem is too big. But that's wrong, there's a lot we can do. If you choose to picket an abortion clinic, that's legitimate, if not legal. If you choose to pray about the situation, that where our power comes from. Maybe you can support a pro-life organization financially, that's another choice.

But the single most important thing you can do only takes a few moments of your time. And that is, you can vote Pro-Life. Disagree with me if you wish, what issue is more important than the life of an unborn child? Security of our nation? How long do you think we will stay safe if we keep offending God by the murdering of the innocent? Romans 1:32 makes it clear that those who give approval to sinners for committing sin, are just as guilty as those committing the sin. So the next time you go to vote for the lesser of two evils, or for your union job and the candidate is for the murder of human infants, just imagine yourself with your hands wrapped around the neck of a newborn, who came along with just bad timing, because your vote for a pro-abortion candidate is exactly the same as approving, even committing the act of abortion.

When I saw my daughter born 9 weeks prematurely struggling to breathe, with wires coming out from all angles, I knew that no one would ever be able to tell me that abortion was a choice any longer. Her arms were almost as thick as a crayola marker, she was almost six pounds, and she was the biggest baby in the neo-natal ICU. Others' arms were thinner than a #2 pencil, tubes stuck down their throats allowing them to breathe, I watched as the nurses pricked heels to draw blood and the expression on the faces of the infants in pain.

I do not believe that anyone after seeing the size of a premature baby or one of those new 3D imaging sonograms, I do not believe that anyone having seen that can still be for abortion without surrendering their humanity in the process. The question is now what are you going to do about it, because Death Is Not a Choice.

See Also : Ear Candling Review Facial Surgery Overview

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Poets of the Fall - Locking Up the Sun

Clip about Locking Up The Sun. Lyrics: They're locking up the sun, the light of reason gone, n' hope has been succesfully undone The question's burning on, where is it coming from, no-one seems to know the monster born It's a bad trip on a sinking ship, when no-one seems responsible Scapegoat to rock the boat, yeah, we need someone expendable Volunteers to face the fears, can we be sensible And find a way to break the fall, find out the cure for all Is there a hero somewhere, someone who appears and saves the day Someone who holds out a hand and turns back time Is there a hero somewhere, someone who will never walk away Who doesn't turn a blind eye to a crime They're locking up the sun, they have their chosen one, you know this time they'll make him play along They're taking to the arms, the fathers and their sons, there's nowhere left to run and hide It's a bad trip on a sinking ship, when no-one seems responsible Scapegoat to rock the boat, yeah, we need someone expendable Volunteers to face the fears, can we be sensible And find a way to break the fall, find out the cure for all Is there a hero somewhere, someone who appears and saves the day Someone who holds out a hand and turns back time Is there a hero somewhere, someone who will never walk away Who doesn't turn a blind eye to a crime And in the emptiness, there's a solution, just look within yourself for absolution

My Links : Bone Injury Allergy Eye Smokey Cabins

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Death-Kicking the Bucket, Being a Goner, Biting the Dust, Checking Out and Feeling No Pain

It's very difficult for humans to say the words "He/she/they died." What a marvelous number of euphemisms for death we have. We pass on, croak, kick the bucket, go home, expire, succumb, leave, meet our maker, go to our reward, get wasted, check out, eternally rest, are a goner, end, bite the dust, get liquidated, terminated and annihilated. We give up the ghost, make the change, transition, get mertilized, go to to the other side, fall asleep, get taken, rubbed and snuffed out. We depart, transcend and buy the farm. We are feeling no pain, lose the race, cash in, cross Jordan and go with the angels. We get done in, translate into glory, return to the dust, wither away, give up, take the long sleep and a dirt bath. It can be curtains, a dropped body, six feet under and out of our misery. We find everlasting peace, new lives the great beyond, ride into the sunset and that's all we wrote. But in plain fact, we are dead.

All of religion is predicated on the fact that we have to go somewhere after death. "We" being everything from our spirit and energy to our mind and ethereal body. We like it better if there is a good place for the nice ones of us and a bad one for the jerks. Although the idea of reincarnation lends itself to allowing everyone their spot after having learned lessons along the way many times over.

Western Churches spend your lifetime convincing you that their understanding is THE only understanding of what happens when we die and usually provide you with a program whereby you can leave your worldly goods, you know the ones they told you in sermons not to store up on, to them. I have seen many a family outside the particular denomination of the one who "went home" have to face the fact that all the goodies went to their church and not their family. Let's make a rule that if a person gives a church their stuff after they die, and sons or daughters protest, the Church has to give it back to the family. This will help the church to practice what they preach and give that which actually belongs to a family to the family it actually belongs to. Beware of Churches who have a program for you to "honor God with your death," or "Your will, a way for you to continue giving after you die," program. The money given to the Church will be mis-spent and it would be more satisfying to have your kids mis-spend it than your church. Amen.

It's funny how if you ask someone about quantum physics or how life works, it's such an unknowable mystery in the final analysis, at least for now. But ask a religious person about what happens after death, and pfffft...that's easy. We go to heaven, they go to hell, we get reincarnated often, we are deader than dead, we wait in the grave until Jesus returns, we rise in a physical body, we rise in a spiritual "body", we this and that as if they knew and the truth is that they don't. Westerners would never question the Bible as knowing what happens after death even though one can find all of the above mentioned in one form or another in the pages of the Bible. Like Humans, the Biblical understanding of death evolved into what we see in the Evangelical Christian Church today.

The Catholic Church has gotten good at adding new places the dead go, such as unsaved babies, or the unborn or the not quite saved types, but it's all a crap shoot. Because we can come up with questions like "well what kind of God would throw an innocent child in hell for not knowing.....", we have to figure out new holding pens for such categories of people. They are not real mind you, but they help us cope.

Missionaries rush to save the lost before they die while admitting, in some circles that if they left them ignorant, a loving God would automatically translate them into heaven upon death. I mean, they can't help it they were born in New Guinea or the Great Plains. I loved it when Geronimo was asked by the General who hunted him down and imprisoned him in Florida if he wanted to go to heaven when he died? Geronimo asked if the General was also going to be there? "Why of course," came the response met by as simple "Then no" by Geronimo. Hell would indeed be for many having to spend eternity with those that drove them nuts in this life! I mean, do you really want to spend eternity closer than ever to all the people in your church, including the same pastor day and night forever! I think not! Heaven just might seem like one big endless potluck of boring people who are still pretending to be what they never were back on earth. It would be an eternal obligatory Thanksgiving or Christmas with the relatives that most never wanted to attend anyway! Nope, if I get to go to heaven, please God, let there be quiet places where no one can find me and those I want to be around. You know, kinda like we can do down here if we choose.

I saw a lot of death as a minister. Sometimes it was after the fact long enough to just bury somone in a nice funeral service in a nice setting. Sometimes I found myself standing at the edge of a river while they searched for a lost one or taken to a morgue to roll the dead body of a child or friend out of a drawer for a private family look. I Even dug a grave once on a farm while we waited for family to arrive for a quick same day funeral and burial. I've picked up the cemains, ugh what a word, of people I had just talked to a few days earlier, now reduced to about 10 lbs. of gray sand. I have transported the neatly wrapped body of a newborn to another city in the backseat of my car, as the couple could not afford for the funeral home to do it.

Once I had visited a mother, just socially, who spent much of the visit recounting the talents, skills, and beauty of daughter, which is normal when a parent is well pleased. I specifically remember thinking on the way home "how would she cope if she lost that daughter, who was the center of all the mom lived for? When I got home, the phone was ringing and I was returning to the hospital where this young woman had just been brought fatally run down at 18 miscrossing a street. Tough stuff. I lost a nephew to a train that could not get his attention while he was wearing his walkman. I lost a brother in law just yesterday.

As a hobby, I took up paramedic skills. I learned why so many paramedics are overweight and smoke like chimneys. Pure stress. Most paramedics are wonderful caregivers but face the most horrendous of human deaths often. They eat and smoke too much and party way too hard. I don't blame them. I won't relate what I have seen. Just know that I have seen it. Death at it's worst. A Soldier could certainly top that.

The point seems to live in the moment, staying both out of the past of our lives, where we tend to store our anger and hurt, and also the future, where we store our anxiety and all that is unknowable. No one knows what happens at death. Just to say that is to stir the pot of religious surety. I know, no one but YOU.

There are some great stories of past lives recalled by some with uncanny detail. Hmmm, could be. Even the Bible gives the account of the blind man who caused the disciples to ask if the man's blindness was the fault of his parents or his own sin, "that he was BORN blind." We at least have to admit there is room there to question that if one is born blind due to sin, the sin must have taken place in a previous life. No other explanation is possible. Some in the early church believed in reincarnation. General George Patton was famous for his knowing where he had fought as a Roman Soldier in a previous life, while fighting again during WWII in Europe. He wasn't kidding and no one made fun of him either.

There are stories of those who have left their bodies in near death experiences only to return and recount the experience in detail that only a, well "Ghost" could give. They got recalled to finish their lives evidently and everyone who experiences such a thing never again fears death. Well worth the experience if only for that little peace of mind, I'd say.

Stories abound of those who were given organ transplants donated by those who have died, only to mysteriously acquire the deceased's taste in foods, books or familiarity with topics never studied in their own lives. This would give credence to the idea tha cellular memory can be passed on. Whoa..pretty inspiring stuff and not just a little bit spooky.

Crass religions make big bucks off the masses who need to purchase their places in the Kingdom of God. I remember once shoveling a drive buried in feet of snow for a woman who then paid me in Catholic indulgences. They gave me a full 90 days less in Purgatory. I told her I was Presbyterian. She smiled and closed the door. I almost shoved the snow back into the drive.

I'm glad that so many can be so sure they know what happens at death. Some just know because they read it in the Bible never thinking that even that book is just another attempt by humans to figure this out. Some just know it's true because it's "true for me." Some feel that it just has to be true or what's the point. One cannot just die for nothing after learning all this stuff in life. And some just know what they know is true because somehow even science can prove it so.

As I mentioned earlier, yesterday my brother in law died just two days after he was told he might live another three months. If there was ever an example of a mind saying, "uh, no, I believe I need to go now," that was it. He just left, and I believe on his his own terms. Or maybe he passed on, or went home, or bit the dust, or left his world, or got mertilized, transcended, lost the race, cashed in, got translated into glory, is on heavenly shores, out of his misery, carried by Angels, found peace, went into the zero point field, the great beyond, rode into the sunset and that's was all he wrote.

At any rate, that man I knew as Jim did good in this life and like tens of thousands on the planet every day, went somewhere hopefully free now as a conscious spirit who had a human experience in a limited five sense carbon based wet suit and is now free. Peace my dear me when you can and tell me what it's all about! :)

Recommend : Joint Health Assurant Health Care Provider Cardio Treadmill

Monday, April 26, 2010

Baby Curtains Don't Just Cover Windows

Creating and decorating a room for a baby that hasn't been born yet can be one of the most difficult design projects there is. That's because, in part, it's usually being done or directed by a female under the influence of some pretty strong hormones. It's also because there are so many different ways it can be done.

Gone are the days when all baby girls were swaddled completely in pink and all boys in pale blue. We now know that brand new infants don't, in fact, see pastels very clearly. Primary colors are a better choice for items in a newborn's room.

Coordinating fabrics between crib sheets, blankets and bunting and baby curtains can be done easily. One quick way to ensure a match is to make your own valance or panels to hang. It's a project even a non-sewer can tackle with ease and one that you know is safe for the baby since baby bedding is all made from flame retardant materials.

All you need to do is purchase extra flat crib sheets (enough for two panels per window in the room) of the fabric of your choice. Fold down one side of the sheet three times the width of the curtain rod you plan to use and sewing it across. Leave the sides open to slide the rod through and your curtains are ready to be hung.

The curtain fabric shouldn't be your only concern however. Nurseries and everything in them need to be decorated for a slightly older, more mobile infant, then toddler. That means they need to be designed with safety in mind as well as good looks.

Baby curtains can present a safety hazard. Or rather, the cords and hardware that hold them are. Long cords that dangle frequently prove irresistible to small children who reach up and grab them. Unfortunately, each year there are reports of tragedies involving toddlers becoming fatally entangled in cords. Heavy, decorative hardware that holds up the curtains can also cause serious injury if it can be pulled out of the wall by a toddler trying to climb up a curtain.

Baby curtains draped around a bassinet or crib can also pose hazards. In this case, they're likely to be used by a toddler to climb out of a bed. Serious falls can result.

Speaking of bed and sleeping, there is one other concern you should keep in mind when buying or sewing your baby curtains. That's how much light they will block from the room. While everyone loves a bright, cheery room, infants, like adults, will frequently sleep longer and more soundly if the room can be darkened.

There are hundreds of catalogs and online stores that will give you thousands of options to buy or sew. With so many options, you're sure to find the perfect baby curtains for your nursery.

Friends Link : Wrongful Death Malpractice Dry Moisturizer Asbestos Lung Cancer Information

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Poets Of The Fall-Locking Up The Sun

this is poets of the falls best song This video is dedicated to our heros Lyrics They're locking up the sun, the light of reason gone, n' hope has been succesfully undone The question's burning on, where is it coming from, no-one seems to know the monster born It's a bad trip on a sinking ship, when no-one seems responsible Scapegoat to rock the boat, yeah, we need someone expendable Volunteers to face the fears, can we be sensible And find a way to break the fall, find out the cure for all Is there a hero somewhere, someone who appears and saves the day Someone who holds out a hand and turns back time Is there a hero somewhere, someone who will never walk away Who doesn't turn a blind eye to a crime They're locking up the sun, they have their chosen one, you know this time they'll make him play along They're taking to the arms, the fathers and their sons, there's nowhere left to run and hide It's a bad trip on a sinking ship, when no-one seems responsible Scapegoat to rock the boat, yeah, we need someone expendable Volunteers to face the fears, can we be sensible And find a way to break the fall, find out the cure for all Is there a hero somewhere, someone who appears and saves the day Someone who holds out a hand and turns back time Is there a hero somewhere, someone who will never walk away Who doesn't turn a blind eye to a crime And in the emptiness, there's a solution, just look within yourself for absolution

Recommend : Ear Covers Cardio Treadmill

Saturday, April 24, 2010

RuneScape Paint Miniature tuto

Little runescape miniature in paint... If you are going to try to make one like this, please read: To get the body it go to this link and save it (detail, since the old link was not workit, i'm hosting 3 new ones, with different stuff, but you use them all in the same way): Open the body kit in MS paint and another window that you'll use to make your miniature.. That's all based on copy and paste ^^ Music: Ac/Dc - Born to be wild Blind Guardian - Tales from the twilight world Tahnks for watching, and gl with your miniatures ^^ If you like my video, subscribe =D And watch my other videos ^^ By: Brunohehe (Daniel) Recent updates: The link to the body kit was broken, so i've updated it with a new one ^^ Hope it works now ;D Any troubles pm me. Since the link was broken AGAIN, i hosted 3 new buddy kits. Well, some people were having trouble with the file format, so i converted 'em, hope it works now (; Melee version: Ranged version:

Recommend : Surgical Technician Fitness Center: Everything For Your Health Smog Pollution

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Roots of Blues -- T-Bone Walker „I Got A Break Baby"

Recorded: Hollywood, July 20, 1942 T-Bone Walker (vcl) (g), Freddie Slack (p), Jud De Naut (b), Dave Coleman (d) Walker was born on May 26, 1910 in Linden, Texas of African American and Cherokee descent. When he was a young man his family moved to a region of south Dallas known as Oak Cliff where he met and learned from Blind Lemon Jefferson, another blues musician. Walker's recording debut was "Wichita Falls Blues"/"Trinity River Blues", recorded for Columbia Records in 1929 under the name Oak Cliff T-Bone. His distinctive sound did not develop until 1942, when Walker recorded "Mean Old World" for Capitol Records. His electric guitar solos were among the first heard on modern blues recordings and set a standard that is still followed. [Some music historians cite Ernest Tubb's 1940 honky tonk classic, "Walking the Floor over You" as the first "hit" recording to feature and highlight a solo by a standard electric guitar--though earlier hits featured electric lap steel guitars. The blues master Lonnie Johnson had also recorded at least once on electric guitar, but his innovation was neither much noted nor influential.] Much of Walker's output was recorded from 1946--1948 on Black & White Records, including 1947's "Call It Stormy Monday (But Tuesday Is Just As Bad)", with its famous opening line, "They call it stormy Monday, but Tuesday's just as bad". He followed up with his "T-Bone Shuffle" and "Let Your Hair Down, Baby, Let's Have a Natural Ball". Both are considered ...

Tags : Red Cross Blood Eye Correction

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Brief History of Grandfather Clocks

Since the beginning of civilization, humans have searched for a reliable way to keep track of the time. In the earliest days, months, seasons and years were tracked by careful monitoring of the phases of the moon. Later, the sun and stars were also used to help early people track the passing of time.

The Sumerians used the sundial to divide days into two-hour segments. The Egyptians created a device called Cleopatra's needle to divide their days into two-hour segments while the ancient Romans devised a way of dividing time into night and day.

A pressing need for more precise measurements led to the invention of the water clock and then the hourglass. These inventions were limited as they relied on water and sand, respectively, to function. The search continued to search for a way of tracking time independent of the seasons or nature.

In 1582, Galileo discovered that a pendulum could be used to track time. He drew the first designs for a grandfather clock, though he did not build it. Finally, in 1656, Christiaan Huygens built the first known grandfather clock, putting Galileo's discovery to use. Though the clock did not keep accurate time, it was a major breakthrough in timekeeping technology. Through the years, various inventors tried to improve on the design, but with little luck.

Finally, in 1670, William Clement discovered that the clocks worked better with a longer pendulum. Of course, this required a taller clock. Clement named his newly designed clocks long-case clocks. This was the predecessor of the grandfather clocks that we know today.

In 1875, Henry Work wrote the song "My Grandfather's Clock" and the name stuck and finally, after many years in the making, grandfather clocks were born.

Today's grandfather clocks rely on a pendulum attached to an anchor. The swinging pendulum causes the anchor to turn a gear, which in turn causes the clock to tick. A pair of weights further helps power the clock and keeps it from losing time. Although the technology has evolved over the years, the grandfather clocks of today still reflect the ingenuity of human's earliest ancestors.

Recommend : Nose Reshaping Review

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ziggy Marley-Rainbow In The Sky

Lyrics "[CHORUS] There' sa rainbow in the sky all the time don't be blind there's a rainbow in the sky all the time don't be blind don't be blind Said you i'm living in my fantasy but is you who is blinded by reality the material world means so much to you you just can't get what i'm telling you [CHORUS] Cause in a town called sorrow there was joy yes and there i met painless fear freed he expressed emotions that egos fear my life is full of colors yeah my mind is clear CHORUS Found i mercy in every sunrise i am born again from the womb of the night all i have i have left behind minds eye eyes eye a light will shine CHORUS"

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Flower and Nature Themed Pewter Cabinet Knobs and Pulls

Spring is here and that means the flowers are blooming again, but why wait all year for that moment? Installing new cabinet knobs on your kitchen or bathroom cabinets can not only update the entire look of the room with minimal time and expense but can also create a new and beautiful theme that can be carried through to the rest of the home. Advancements in manufacturing capability over the past two centuries have made it possible for homeowners to introduce new and unexpected designs into their home and reflect their unique personality in a whole new way.

Floral cabinet knobs are a wonderful way to capture the beauty of Spring and Summer into your home all year long. Pewter cabinet knobs are a more malleable metal and therefore allow for more complex designs. Imagine whimsical daisy knobs on your cabinets or strawberry pulls on your drawers! Not only would this make your home special, it would allow you more freedom to incorporate your interests into your overall design.

Cabinet knobs and pulls are available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and it is important to understand that not all are designed to go one every cabinet. This is especially true if you are planning to reuse existing drill holes for cabinet and drawer pulls. Pay attention to size when you are making a decision. Manufacturers will typically list two sizes for drawer pulls: overall length and center-to-center spacing. The center-to-center spacing is key because this refers to the distance between the two mounting holes. If your drawer is not currently drilled for pulls this measurement is still important to pay attention to for future reference. Most standard drawer pulls come in a three inch center to center spacing - larger sizes may be available for some styles however.

The greatest part of redesigning the home is the ability to be creative - don't feel like a home must look a particular way. The smaller details are what matter in any design and breaking away from traditional designs is a great way to make your design truly your own. Pewter knobs are available in a wide range of finishes ranging from silver tones (pewter) to copper, verdigris or even antique white. These options allow the homeowner to coordinate new hardware with existing fixtures that will not be replaced.

Searching for easy ways to redecorate without spending a fortune does not have to be complicated - merely creative. Remember to think outside the box this year and bring the beauty of Spring into your kitchen. Tie the look together further by painting cabinets in soft pastel tones or adding other floral design elements such as floral curtain tie backs, coat/utility hooks or even a few flower pots around the room.

Related : Asbestos

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blind Guardian--The Script For My Requiem

Blind Guardian Imaginations From the Other Side The Script For My Requiem

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ill Niño - Unreal

Unreal By Ill Niño Lyrics : Separate your mind Overcome in time I'm taking what is mine Tenemos que pelear Nothing is all, I thought I was there I'm finding myself going nowhere Is this a mistake? I cannot relate to what is fake Is this what I get for learning to speak? For opening eyes and digging in deep? Is this what I get for being reborn from the norm? I don't want to shine; light will make us blind I don't want to feel unreal What have I become, born under the sun? Planets will converge for you I'll try to break you! What would it take to not look away? To open my eyes and stare in the face To learn from what's real I'm trying to deal, but it's worthless: Is this what I get for learning to speak? For opening eyes and digging in deep? Is this what I get for being reborn from the norm? I don't want to shine; light will make us blind I don't want to feel unreal What have I become, born under the sun? Planets will converge for you Pushing and grinding is twisting my mind frame El tempo que pesa nos tumba la mesa Y ahora que es nuestro, mi vida te apuesto, bet my life! I don't want to shine; light will make us blind I don't want to feel unreal What have I become, born under the sun? Planets will converge for you I don't want to feel! I don't want to shine! I don't want to feel! Light will make us blind I don't want to feel unreal

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Luxor Temple

The modern city of Luxor located in Egypt, lays beautifully along side the Nile. The name Luxor is our modern version of a much older name. Through the centuries the city have had many names, but even though the name has changed, its ancient meaning has stayed intact - namely meaning
The city of Light.

There are many temples in Egypt, but no one is alike. The Luxor temple is a rather odd name for the temple, if we go a couple of hundred of years back in time, it would be referred to as the Theban temple.

The beautiful city grew up around the temple, hereby making the temple the center point of this city. The Luxor temple is actually several buildings (temples) that have been connected to one big temple, much like we find at Karnak. Luxor temple is dedicated to three ancient gods, where the foremost god is Amun.

As you stand at the temples entrances, you will defiantly be taken by the two great Ramesses II statues. The great pharaoh Ramesses II lived (1279-1212 B.C) and he as his father ruled for a very long time. He surpassed 11 of his sons, hereby making the son the next pharaoh, his son was around 60 years of age when he came to rule. Ramesses II had over a hundred sons, and on the walls of the Luxor temple, you can see many of these sons.

This was a festival temple, where people gathered to celebrate the passing of one year and the coming of a new year. There are many things about this temple which are rarely spoken of, one of these fascinating things is about the temples construction and its walls. In the most holy rooms, which are the chambers located at the back of the temple, you will find odd spots everywhere, but only in there. These spots are from Bat's, which fly around at night. There is something magical about these inner chambers, they are build in such a manner that the Bat's inner radar system (which it uses, because the Bat is born blind), does not work and so they crash into the walls. The walls material does that the radar are reflected and spins off towards another wall (-pretty much like a bullet inside a bulletproof room).

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

(Traducida) Blind Guardian - Mordred's song

SUBTITULADA EN CASTELLANO. SUBTITLED IN SPANISH. Grandiosa canción de los Grandiosos Blind Guardian. Aquí la letra original de la canción: I've lost my battle before it starts My first breath wasn't done My spirit's sunken deep Into the ground Why am I alone I can hear my heartbeat Silence's all around See hate will rise So don't come closer Fear your child Born with a king's heart But hate fooled me And changed my cards No one asked if I want it If I liked it Pain inside is rising I am the fallen one A figure in an old game No Joker's on my side I plunged into misery I'll turn off the light And murder the dawn Turn off the light And murder the dawn Nothing else But laughter is around me Forevermore Noone can heal me Nothing can save me I've gone beyond the truth It's just another lie Wash away the blood from my hands My father's blood In agony we're unified I never wanted to be What they told me to be Fulfill my fate than I'll be free God knows how long I tried to change fate Pain inside is rising I am the fallen one A figure in an old game No Joker's on my side I plunged into misery I'll turn off the light And murder the dawn Turn off the light And murder the dawn I plunged into misery I'll turn off the light And murder the dawn Turn off the light And murder the dawn

Thanks To : Autism Vaccinations

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Matthew Good - Second Sun

Demo: 15 Hours On A September Thursday, 1994 Good version with no skipping. The curtain comes down tomorrow I heard that Jupiter was going to punch a hole in the sky Take the frown a little closer to the clown Maybe we'll all be smiling when we die I just want to play while the world comes undone These days, you know I just do it for fun You see, I'll never have that much to say I'm blind to see it anyway you want Maybe space is just a little longer of a drive Gas up the car, stop in at 7-11 Which would mean that all this time We were never more than four blocks west of heaven I just want to play while the world comes undone These days you know we just all do it for fun You see, I'll never have that much to say I'm blind to see it anyway you want And hey little girl Don't you worry Wherever there's lights there's bound to be a hotel And inside I'm shaking like a leaf And I'm, I'm as cold as hell But maybe we'll be more than happy And maybe there's a lot more to it than this And maybe looking down ain't all that bad When there's nothing down there that you'll miss, no, no I just want to play while the world comes undone These days, you know I just do it for fun You see, I'll never have that much to say I'm blind to see it anyway you want The curtain comes down tomorrow I heard that Jupiter was going to turn into a second sun And like the night born unto a second light We'll all look real small when it comes in Hey little girl Don't you worry Wherever there's lights there's ...

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


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Monday, April 12, 2010

Roots of Blues -- Blind Willie mctell „My Baby Is Gone"

„My Baby Is Gone" (Mc Tell) Aufnahme: New York, September 18, 1933 Blind Willie mctell (g)(vcl), Curley Weaver (g) (vcl) William Samuel mctell, better known as Blind Willie mctell (May 5, 1898 (sometimes reported as 1901) -- August 19, 1959), was an influential American blues singer, songwriter, and guitarist. He was a twelve-string finger picking Piedmont blues guitarist, and recorded 149 songs between 1927 and 1956. Born William Samuel mctier in Thomson, Georgia, blind in one eye, mctell had lost his remaining vision by late childhood, but became an adept reader of Braille. He showed an inherent proficiency in music from an early age and learned to play the six-string guitar as soon as he could. His father left the family when mctell was still young, so when his mother died in the 1920s, he left his hometown and became a wandering busker. He began his recording career in 1927 for Victor Records in Atlanta. In the years before World War II, he traveled and performed widely, recording for a number of labels under a different name for each one, including Blind Willie mctell (Victor and Decca), Blind Sammie (Columbia), Georgia Bill (Okeh), Hot Shot Willie (Victor), Blind Willie (Vocalion), Red Hot Willie Glaze (Bluebird), Barrelhouse Sammie (Atlantic) and Pig & Whistle Red (Regal). His style was singular: a form of country blues, bridging the gap between the raw blues of the early part of the 20th Century and the more refined East Coast "Piedmont" sound. He took on the less ...

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

13 Reasons For Calamity, Disease, Accidents, Afflictions, Mayhem, and the Bible

There is purpose behind each negative event that befalls an individual. The potential reason(s) depends upon one's standing with God. Each person is either outside of Christ (unbeliever) or in Christ (believer). One's actual standing (not which one an individual thinks he/she is in) determines which possibilities are viable.


1. The Reality of This Existence - The Initial Judgment of God

Adam's fall in Genesis is accompanied by a group of judgments from God. The bottom line is that Adam's physical body would now be overcome by the environment. "You are dust, and to dust you shall return" (Gen 3:19). If Adam's physical body was already that way before the fall (as all Evolutionists and longevity model adherents believe), then such a "judgment" is nonsense. But, the burden of proof lies on the naysayer - and the honest ones know their system still is no more ... than a theory. One "gift" Adam passed to us all ... is a body that cannot survive this environment. Sooner or later, some negative "thing" will kill us (See Lk 13:1-5). That is the reality of this existence.

2. Direct Judgment on an Individual

This is always in response to some specific incident. "(F)ire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed" Nadab and Abihu - Aaron's sons (Lev 10:1-20). Read of Korah's rebellion (Nu 16), or Ananias' and Sapphira's fatal error (Ac 5: 1-11). And Herod, after delivering a seemingly great speech, failed to give God His proper due and "an angel of the Lord struck him ... and he was eaten by worms and he died" (Ac 12:23). The only reason we know these are direct judgments from the living Creator ... is because He told us. I am absolutely certain similar actions occur around us all the time - but aren't written down. Jesus has "the keys of death and of Hades" (Rev 1:18). And ... He uses them. It is indeed "a terrifying thing to fall into the Hands of the living God" (Heb 10:31).

3. Judgment on a Group

While each person will only account for his/her own actions, many times an entire group is judged by God - and calamity comes sooner than it might have otherwise. The flood killed people of all ages (Gen 6-8). So also the fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah and environs (Gen 18:7 through 19:29). Nations that forget Him ... He warns. "He makes the nations great, then destroys them ... He changes ... a fruitful land into a salt waste, because of the wickedness of those who dwell in it" (Job 12:23 and Ps 107:33,34). The moment is approaching when His name will be damned ... one time too many. The end of this age will be a worldwide group judgment (Mt 25:31-46 and Rev 20:11-15).

4. Reaping What Has Been Sown

There are multitudes of applications to this. If one ingests destructive materials, or otherwise violates natural law, negative things will come. If one violates legitimate civil law and is caught, negative things arrive. If one is naive and foolish, whether in finances, sexual activity, or governing activities (family, business, or political) - negative consequences are guaranteed. "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap" (Gal 6:7). If you sow to the wind, do not be surprised if you "reap the whirlwind" (Hos 8:7). Reaping is not often ... a one-to-one ratio.

5. Afflictions Designed to Bring One to God

A man might be "chastened with pain on his bed, and with unceasing complaint in his bones ... his flesh wastes away ... and his bones, which were not seen, stick out .... God does all these oftentimes with men, to bring back his soul from the pit, that he may be enlightened with the light of life" (Job 33:19,21,29,30). Psalm 107 depicts several scenarios of this same type (Also see Ps 119:67,71). A classic example involves the Christian-killer, Saul. "... a light from heaven flashed around him, and he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying ... 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?'" After some instructions, he got back up, "and though his eyes were open, he could see nothing" (Ac 9:3,4,8). This is the beginning of the Christian life ... of the Apostle Paul.

6. Miraculous Deliverance

This may be somewhat related to the previous point. A man, who had been born blind, was in such a condition "in order that the works of God might be displayed in him" (Jn 9:3). God may allow, or even cause some negative thing (Ex 4:11), with the intention of miraculously delivering the afflicted one as a demonstration of His power, ability and mercy. Incredibly, these feats do not always end in the conversion of the one so delivered - or the onlookers (See Lk 17:11-19, Jn 5:2-16, and Mt 28:2-4 and 11-15). They can actually end ... in greater judgment.

For Unbelievers ...

... that's about it. With the exception of Number 5 (and sometimes Number 6), unbelievers are subject to all kinds of mayhem - with no constructive purpose behind it. These are black events escorting one to an ultimate destination of "outer darkness" (Mt 22:13). For unbelievers, their "portion in life is of the world" (Ps 17:14). This is tragic.


The Christian is subject to all the above - with modifications. The most important is this promise: "God causes all things to work together toward good, to those who continue loving God" (Ro 8:28). The preposition, "eis" (toward) primarily means, "motion towards something." God uses evil (be it natural or moral) to accomplish solid life gains for the one who continues to esteem and respect Him ("agapao"). "Let those who suffer according to the will of God continue entrusting their souls to a faithful Creator in doing good" (1Pet 4:19). Some believe the, "in doing good ('en agathopoiia')" refers to God. Others think it is calling the believer to continue doing good - while trusting God. It appears this can be legally translated either way. This may be deliberate ... as both understandings are indeed accurate. This Book continues to astound me.

7. Individual Discipline Replaces Individual Judgment

"Do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord ... He scourges each one He welcomes as a son .... All discipline, for the moment, seems ... sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness" (Heb 12:5,11). These disciplines are individualized actions from God. "He disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share His holiness" (Heb 12:10). He is responding to a believer's sin - with the goal of driving it out - and then making the believer more Christlike.

8. Abuse of the Lord's Supper

This is actually an extension of Number 7. If a believer partakes of the Lord's Supper - and yet is casually partaking of some sin as well, this is presumption - making one "guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord" (1Cor 11:27). This is a sure-fired way to bring down the Hand of God. "When we are judged, we are disciplined that we might not be damned along with the world" (1Cor 11:32). In Corinth, many were made "weak, sick and a number sleep" - died (with the assumption they repented before their exit) on account of this. Do not assume ... God has gone soft.

9. Testing God

God protects believers, but that does not mean the Christian can be reckless and expect God to come to the rescue. Satan quoted protective Scripture and then dared Jesus to jump "from the pinnacle of the Temple" (Lk 4:9-11). Jesus rebuked him, "You shall not force a test on the Lord your God" (Lk 4:12). There is a line somewhere between stepping out in faith - and presumption ... thus testing God. Some individuals are quite daring and adventurous and should not be censured by the more reserved among us. This is ultimately a matter determined between the individual saint and God.

10. Conflict in the Heavens

Job's troubles were brought on ... by a conflict in the heavens. Actually, the Lord challenged Satan ... with Job - and Satan took up the challenge. And disaster struck. Read Job 1 and 2 - and ask God to spare you from such an ordeal. I sure do. Satan also demanded permission (interesting phrase) to sift Peter "like wheat." It appears that was granted (Lk 22:31-34).

11. Testing

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance" (Ja 1:3). It does not appear these episodes are brought on by overt sins (attracting God's discipline). "The Lord tests hearts" (Pr17:3). These tests are hard things - and often bring up dark stuff ... exposing deep attitudinal and/or character flaws (See Ro 5:3-5). When successfully navigated, the believer is more sound in the faith. Moral defects are acknowledged (1Jn 1:9), renounced (Tit 2:12) and then, by His grace, put to death (Ro 8:13).

12. To Keep One From Sin

"And because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me ..." (2Cor 12:7). Does it even matter what the problem was? Satan meant ill - but he actually kept Paul useful to God. This is an amazing use of evil. Your seemingly debilitating situation ... may actuality be equipping you - for eternal labor. You know, our God ... is real big.

13. Suffering for Christ

"For to you it has been granted ... not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake" (Phil 1:29). Paul did his share "in filling up that which is lacking in Christ's afflictions" (Col 1:24). God came into His own domain and was rejected (Jn 1:10,11). Believers are going to experience rejection - as the world is still rejecting God. No Christian should go looking for this. It will come on its own. (Also see Mt 5:10-12, Phil 3:10, 2Tim 1:8, 2Tim 2:3,9 2Tim 3:12, 1Pet 4:12-19, Rev 13:7, etc.).


While there is often just one reason behind some "event" - that is not always the case. Job's situation started with a conflict in the heavens, but it was also a test designed to bring out a deep self righteousness in Job - from which he repented.

When struck ... should one refrain from asking, "Why?" As a believer, I know God can prevent any particular negative event. Indeed, that is my fate in the coming, eternal age. So, when He decides to let the hedges drop (Job 1:10) - I know there is a reason - or reasons - behind that.

So, ... I ask why. I seek why. I am certain that many times I will benefit by knowing why ... even if not thrilled with the answer(s). Paul entreated the Lord three times about his "thorn in the flesh" before getting an answer (2Cor 12:7-10). Maybe a good starting place is to review the 13 possibilities above, lay each one on the situation and see which ones can be immediately dismissed - and which are possibilities. The other option ... is to stay in the dark.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Emma was little 1st built-in Basset basset in her litter Poor Emma goes blind from Primary, Closed Angle Glaucoma. She started to go blind at age 2. She was pre-disposed to abnormal drainage angles from birth. How sad. See Emma with her Mom, Dawn and the rest of her litter group. Emma's Dad is Titan. Emma has gone blind from primary closed angle glaucoma. Visit my website for more information on this insidous disease

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Interesting Facts About Olympic Champions

Did you know...

Nadia Comaneci was a Romanian-born gymnast who won many Olympic medals. For many sportswriters, Nadia is the greatest athlete of all time. In the 1970s and early 80s, she was a member of the Romanian Olympic gymnastics team. When she was 13 years old, Nadia won four gold medals at the 1975 European Championship in Skien, Norway. She defeated Ludmilla Turishcheva (USSR), who won two Olympic and four world titles (1972-1974). Nadia Comaneci was discovered by Bela Karolyi. He said: "I was visiting the kindergarten that day and I saw two little six-year-old girls playing in the courtyard during the recreation period. They were running and jumping around, pretending they were gymnasts.Then the bell rang, and they ran into the school with all other little girls and I lost them. I knew I would never leave that school until I found those two little girls. I went into each class of that kindergarten looking for them. I went through twice without seeing them. The third time around I asked each class, 'Who loves gymnastics? In each class a few of the little girls would raise their hands. But in one class two of them sprang up and shouted, 'We do! We do!' and I had found them. One was Nadia Comaneci. The other one is now a very promising ballerina".

Said Aouita is a legendary athlete of the Kingdom of Morocco (Africa). He was one of the world's most famous runners. This Arab sportsperson won a gold medal in the 5000m at the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles and set several world records in the 1980s (1,500m, 2,000m, 3,000m and 5,000m ). In the 1988 Olympics, he only won a bronze medal in the 800 metres. Said was the favourite to win three Olympic gold medals. In an interview with Michael Janofsky, published February 5, 1989 by the New York Times, he explained: "From the point of view of morale, it was a catastrophe that I lost in Seoul".

The Pakistani field hockey team has won two Olympic titles: 1960 and 1968. It also won the Field Hockey World Championship four times ( 1971, 1978, 1982, 1994).This country has won the Asian Tournament a record seven times: Tokyo'58, Jakarta'62, Bangkok'70, Tehran'74, Bangkok'78, New Delhi'82 and Beijing'90. In 1979, Pakistan won the World Junior Cup.

Kirsty Coventry, the Olympic champion of 2004, is the best African female athlete in history. She was born on September 16, 1983 in Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia). Like many Latin American and African sportspeople, she currently lives and trains in the United States. Unfortunately, Zimbabwe is one of the Africa's poorest countries. She once said, "The USA experience was very useful for me, as I had a scholarship for the University of Auburn and the opportunity to have contact with the best female American swimmers. I could then constantly progress, and from Athens 2004 to be part of the world elite. I advise young swimmers of my continent to do the same in order to fulfil their dreams".

In 2002, she finished first in the 200m individual medley (2:14.53) at the Commonwealth Games in Manchester (United Kingdom). At the 2004 Olympics in Greece, Kirsty won 3 medals, including 1 gold. Her country did not win any Olympic medal since 1980. It was a surprise for the Olympic movement. This sportsperson also won six medals at the FINA World Championships (2005-2007). In July 2007, Kirsty became the "star" of the 9th African Games. Zimbabwe's Kirsty Coventry won 10 women's swimming medals. She said: "I was training very hard in Austin (Texas) with my coach Kim Brackin, but I wanted to represent my country at these Games. In 2003, I couldn't come and I had failed other continental competitions because of my university studies in Auburn. So, I am very happy to come back to the atmosphere of the African swimming family, eight years after my first participation in the African Games in Johannesburg in 1999".

Jefferson Leonardo Perez Quezada is a gold medalist who led an Ecuadorian sweep in the 20 kilometer walk at the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996. This athlete won a gold medal at the 1997 Bolivarian Games in Arequipa, Peru. He is also three-time Pan American medalist who captured the gold in 20 kilometer walk at the 1995, 2003 and 2007 Pan American Games. Furthermore, he won a gold medal at the IAAF World Championship in Osaka (Japan) in 2007. He won two medals at the 1990 and 1992 World Junior Championships. The Latin American track and field star was born on July 1, 1974 in Cuenca, Ecuador (South America).

The Zimbabwean women's field hockey won a gold medal at the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow (Soviet Union) in 1980. The Olympic champions were: Christine Prinsloo, Sonia Robertson, Anthea Stewart, Helen Volk, Linda Watson, Sarah English, Maureen George, Ann Grant, Susan Hugget, Patricia McKillop, Brenda Phillips, Elizabeth Chase, Sandra Chick, Patricia Davies and Gillian Cowley.

The Brazilian national team won the gold medal in men's volleyball in the Olympics in 2004. The Brazilian medals winners were: Giovane "Giggio" Gavio, Rodrigo "Rodrigao" Santana, Gilberto "Giba" Godoy Filho, Anderson Rodrigues, Mauricio Lima, Sergio "Escandinha" Dutra Santos, Andre Heller, Nalbert Tavares Bitencourt, Andre Luiz da Silva Nascimento, Dante Guimaraes Amaral, Gustavo Endres and Ricardo "Ricardinho" Rezende.

Top performances:

1997: World Cup-1st place; World Junior Championship-2nd place

1999: Pan American Games-2nd place; World Junior Championship-3rd place; South American Tournament-1st place

2000: Olympic Games-6th place

2001: World League-1st place; South American Tournament-1st place; World Junior Championship-1st place; World Youth Championship-1st place

2002: World Championship-1st place; World League-2nd place

2003: World League-1st place; World Cup-1st place; Pan American Games-3rd place; South American Championship-1st place; World Junior Championship-2nd place; World Youth Championship-1st place

2004: World League-1st place; Olympic Games-1st place

2005: World League-1st place; South American Tournament-1st place; World Junior Championship-2nd place; World Youth Championship-2nd place

2006: World League-1st place ; World Championship-1st place

2007: World League-1st place (it won its seventh title); Pan American Games-1st place; South American Championship-1st place; American Cup-2nd place; World Cup-1st place; World Junior Championship-1st place.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How to Get Rid of Stains on Fabric

These are my tips for getting rid of stains on every day household fabrics.

Stains on Blinds: to remove spots or stains from blinds, try using a solution of 5% of washing up liquid in water. A strong solution. This solution will work on any blinds, aluminium, plastic or fabric.

If the blinds are plastic or aluminium, dust the blindsfirst of all with a feather duster or a vacuum cleaner with a softbush attachment.

If you have vertical blinds, wipe them from top to bottom on both sides of the slats using soft cloth. Wipe the solution off with an almost dry rinse. Just use a moist, clean cloth. Leave the blinds to dry naturally.

If you have very dirty vertical blinds, you could detach them and take them outside. Tie the up between two posts and hose them down with a fine spray. Let them dry naturally.

If you have fabric blinds, you will need to check the maker's recommended instructions.. If you don't have them, clean as above, rinse well and allow to dry naturally.

Beer or Wine on Carpets: tannins are the problem here. They are an astringent and so tend to shrink the surface of the substance on which they have been spilled. Tannins can also found in most fruits, jams, coffee, teas, beer, etc. Try blotting, not rubbing the stain with water. If the fabric is washable, use one teaspoon of washing up liquid in a cu of water and a cloth

Work the stain fro the edge towards the centre. If you still experience problems, try adding a teaspoon of vinegar..

If the fabric is non-washable, try a dry cleaning fluid. And take care not to buy fabric you can't clean again! Seriously though, try half a teaspoon of white vinegar in half a cup of wet spotter.

Rust on Carpets:

Blot the area with lemon juice. You will need to repeat the procedure until it works. Once the area is clean, the fabric may seem a little stiff. Or sticky. This is normal. You can solve this one by spraying clean water and dabbing it off.

Removing Blood From Fabric: protein-type liquids, like blood, egg, dairy, feces, urine and vomit are all of the same ilk.  Bodily fluids.

Flood the area with cold water, not hot. Hot will set (cook) it and then you have real problems. Thoroughly soak the area in cold water and dab clean from the outside of the stain. You can also add some salt to the water. Say a handful to a bucket of water. Similarly if you get blood on a shirt, let it soak overnight in cold, salty water.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Interior Painting Ideas to Improve Unity of Color

I am often asked by homeowners planning interior painting for their home, if it is correct to paint the trim in a particular room a different color than the trim in the rest of their home. Many times the issue arises when they are planning a particular color, on account of a color they have seen in a magazine or while visiting a friends home. Maybe they're trying to match colors in a particular fabric they are planning to use in that room. Anyway, the problem arises with what to do with the trim for that room. How do you work it into the existing color scheme of your home?

While there is no absolute rule about trim color, that if broken, would cause you to be arrested by the color scheme patrol, there are some things you should consider.

1. The trim and ceilings of your home are what establishes a unified look and feel throughout your home. You can change your walls to any color that you like, or that fits with the theme you have planned for the interior of your home. The use of one color on the trim and ceilings will give you a smooth transition between wall colors as you travel throughout your home. Without this consistency, your home takes on a feeling of disunity.

2. White trim and some off-white colors will go with any wall color. That is why it is so popular. It gives you much greater flexibility in interior color coordination and design. Deciding to paint your trim a color other than white will limit your decorating options; however, I have seen some marvelous color co ordinations while using more color for trim.

If you really want to change the color of the trim for a particular room, then test the color. Try to get a feel for how it will impact the rooms or halls adjacent to that room. Will it be completely separated by a door? Will the door be closed most of the time? If the room is open to other areas of the house that are easily seen, how will that impact the color theme for the other parts of your home? You don't want to put a lot of time and effort into painting a room if in the long run you're not happy with how it makes the rest of your home look. Test the color on a door jamb or baseboard and then stand back and get a feel for what it does for unity of passage from other rooms to that room. It would be a good idea to wait a few days to see if you grow tired of the transition between colors. Often what we initially think looks good, loses its appeal over time.

Recommend : Fitness Guide

Monday, April 5, 2010

Desperate times again

Mellow laid back kind of song that stimulates the mind. It's the follow up to Desperate Times Need Asian Woman (Lyrics) (Intro) Desperate times again. Desperate times again R,E,H,D,O double G Here meh now! I really try to do the best that I can. I really appreciate all of meh true fans Some try to dismiss me I dont give a damn I live to teach and I will never ever stop The only way is to hit me until I drop Desperate times all over again (Verse) I will never ever pressure you not again Asians dont like me and I dont like them Things will change and things stay the same Born to lead so just follow meh lead We have a president who lied under oath Hes tearing down the US constitution Hes tearing down the US constitution And I know that them things are really wrong Hundred thousand strong at the tea parties I will never stop so stop telling me to stop Am I retarded, am I crazy, am I insane whos out there to blame I dont know if Im totally insane God give you a mind so stop close your eyes and blind God give you a mind stop close your eyes and blind They taking all of our freedom away Really try meh best to do the best that I can I really appreciate All may true fans Some try to dismiss me no give a damn Some try dismiss me I dont give a damn (Chorus) Desperate times again (three times) Here meh! (Verse) I live alone and I dont condone The bad people out there leave me alone Born on the island meh come from St. Thomas now People just leave me alone, really try my best but I ...

Tags : Neck Injury Sarcoma Cancer

Sunday, April 4, 2010

To Myself I Turn

Lacuna Coil, To Myself I Turn, Cristina Scabbia ! ( molto bella ! ) I was born in another world strictly connected to a piece of my mind nothing more than a little land it is a small cradle where I'm a kid I am the princess in there, nothing wrong in my fantasy world I am the king, the nation, no dictators or religions no laws laid down for me I have my own liberty inside of me nothing to lose, I want to live here As you see I'm the only survivor in this land When did I hear this wind before change like this to a deeper roar? I'm starting to bleed another way I just need some time to complete myself these spotlights are here again I can't see anything, I'm blind this nature of time and space makes me sick of the situation I couldn't know if I... if I will be strong enough for this I have to choose, do I want to lïve here?

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kris Phillips The Phantom Of The Opera

Phantom of the Opera In Chinese sung by: Kris Phillips and ZHU Hua lyrics by: Yan Yang T: English Translation of Chinese Lyrics E: English original lyrics She In sleep he sang to me, In dreams he came as if in sleep and awake, as if in dream and real That voice which calls to me, And speaks my name this mist-ish voice calling me, shaking my heart and soul And do I dream again, For now I find is it a phantom or a who, by my side The Phantom of the opera is there, Inside my mind this mid-night phantom singing voice relentlessly, calls me Kris: Sing once again with me, Our strange duet Only in dreams, you and I sing together My power over you, Grows stronger yet this phantom night is not over; you are not awake And though you turn from me, To glance behind with your fragile spirit left, by my side The Phantom of the opera is there Inside your mind this mid-night phantom singing voice relentlessly, calls you Hua: Those who have seen your face, Draw back in fear you are a confined phantom, born for the nights I am the mask you wear I live the days for you Kris: It's me they hear and speak my voice Hua/Kris: My/your spirit and your/my voice, In one combined My spirit and yours, connect via singing The phantom of the opera is there, this mid-night phantom singing voice Hua: E: Inside my mind calls me Kris: Inside your mind calls you Hua: He's there the Phantom of the opera hark, the mid-night phantom singing Beware the Phantom of the opera the mist-ish mid-night phantom singing ...

Friends Link : Asbestos Lung Cancer Information Mental Bipolar Eye Insurance

Friday, April 2, 2010

How to Avoid a Car Accident

Every year, thousands of people are involved in automobile accidents. In almost every accident, somebody acted negligently, and could have avoided the accident by exercising more caution.t

I have represented thousands of accident victims and seen over and over again common accident mistakes. Most of the time, only one person is at fault. Sometimes, more than one drive shares the blame.

The following suggestions are given to help you avoid causing or contributing to an accident. This is not a hypothetical list. This is a list gleaned from years of seeing thousands of situations occur in the lives of my clients.

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or a Controlled Substance. It's never a good idea. Some of the worst accidents I've seen are caused by drunk drivers. Most people who consume alcohol do not think they are too impaired to driving. Alcohol impairs reaction time, and those fractions of seconds can make a difference in driving situations.

Falling Asleep at the Wheel. If you get tired while driving, pull over and take a quick nap. I drive long distances frequently, and I pull over when I get tired. Don't fight hrough it.

Overcorrecting. Many of the accidents I see are people who overcorrect. People see something in the road they don't want to hit, and they swerve to miss things that would not hurt them if they hit them. Road cones. Tumbleweeds. Rubber from tires. My advice is to hit the object, and brace yourself. In most cases, the consequences are far less severe than swerving at a high rate of speed. My wife just lost a friend who was ejected from her Hummer (she was not seat-belted, either) when her husband swerved to miss a road cone, rolling vehicle several times.

Running a Red Light. Don't enter an intersection after the light turns red. Ever.

Turning Left on a Yellow Light. When the light is turning yellow, vehicles going straight try to beat the light. But the person who needs to turn left has been waiting in the intersection. The fatal mistake I have seen time and again is the turning party turns on the assumption that the speeding car going straight is going to stop. That is a risk you should not take. Assume nothing. Even though the light turns red, you are already in the intersection. Most street have a delay between when the light turns red the opposite lights turn green. Besides, you face far less risk with cars that see you ahead of them that are accelerating from a stopped start than to pull in front of a car going 45 miles an hour.

Following Too Closely. It is hard in crowded traffic to keep a safe distance between you and the car in front without someone cutting in front of you, but you have to discipline yourself to do it. Think of space as a big cushion or pad of safety. That buffer of space will save you from many accidents that occur when people in front of you have to slam on their brakes or take evasive action. Many of the rear-ender accidents I handle could have been avoided if people just gave themselves more space between them and the car. The rule of thumb is one car length per 10 miles an hour, or a 2-second buffer between you and the car in front of you.

Driving in the Parking Lane. The shoulder of the road is not a lane, even though many people use it. I have seen many accidents occur as people try and use this as a travel lane. People turn into them all of the time. Any lane to right of a white line is not a driving lane.

Failure to Adjust Speed Given the Road Conditions. Too many people travel too fast, ignoring speed limits. Also, people fail to adjust their speed when hazardous conditions exist. Speed limits are maximum speeds, and if hazardous conditions exist, drop your speed below the maximum so you can have time to react to approaching conditions.

Failure to Pay Attention. Many accidents also occur because people get distracted, talking on their hand-held cell phones, leaning down to pick something up, eating, talking to someone in the car, etc. Your car is not a restaurant, phone booth or office. Force yourself to avoid distractions and remember that fractions of seconds matter if you are going to avoid or prevent accidents.

Changing Lanes without Looking. Always check your and blinds blind spots when changing lanes. I have seen a number of side swipe cases because people failed to do this.

Making Illegal Traffic Maneuvers. Don't' make maneuvers, such as U-turns, in places where they are not allowed. The double dashed center lanes on many of our roads are not merge left lanes, they are left turn only lanes. Only use them for their intended purposes.

I know if everyone followed the rules, I would probably be out of a job! Most people will not take my advice--but I hope you do.

Friends Link : Eye Insurance Treat Depression Guide

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Obama Admits He Was Born In Kenya

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate Law Reference: AP Article: Music used in the video was written, recorded and produced by rantforamerica. All images and content are produced 100% by rantforamerica. This video can be downloaded and freely distributed by anyone as long as it is left in its full format. I am so tired of hearing from liberals who cant seem to see the facts, or refuse to I should say. People seem to think that the law that is on the books NOW is what applies to mr obama, it does not, the law that was in force when he was born is what matters. Do you even know what the law was at the time your messiah was born? The LAW then is what mattered, and it was in effect from Dec 24, 1952 until Nov 13, 1986 Here is what that law means, according the federal law at the time (which is what is applicable to barry) If you have 2 parents that are American citizens, then you are an American citizen at birth no matter the birth place But if you have only one parent who is an American citizen (which is what is applicable to barry) then the parent who is the citizen has to have at least 10 years residency in the USA, 5 or those years have to be after the age of 14. Barry's mother was 18 when he was born,she would have to had been 19 when barry was born in order for him to be natural born and eligible to be president. Oh that is just a small technicality, it doesn't really matter, YES IT DOES THE LAW IS THE LAW, it ...

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