Saturday, August 28, 2010

Jesus and the Blind Man Part 2

The Blind man was brought to the synagogue before the Pharisees, and they questioned him, "How did this happen?" The man told them, "He put mud on my eyes and I washed and then I could see!" The Pharisees were not happy to hear about the wonderful thing that had happened to the man. They began to talk and argue among themselves. One man said, "This man does not come from God." Another said "He must be from God." We never heard of a miracle like this before." When they couldn't agree among themselves, they said, "Let's call his parents and talk with them."

Soon the mother and father of the blind man were brought before them. They were afraid of the Pharisees, and they did not want to say very much. They knew that the Pharisees hated Jesus and would put anyone out of the synagogue who said he believed in Him. The Pharisees said to them. "Is this your son whom you say was born blind? How did he get his eyes opened?" The father and mother replied, "Yes, he is our son and we know that he was born blind. But we can not tell you how his eyes were opened. You must ask him about that, He is of age, and he will speak for himself."

Then the parents went away and left their boy to face the Pharisees alone. They again argued with him and became vey angry. They said to him, "We know that this man is a sinner, and we are not going to listen to him. We believe what Moses wrote in the Old Testament, but we don't know anything about this fellow." The blind man stood up boldly before them and said to them, "I know one thing. I was blind and He opened my eyes and now I can see. You never heard of anyone who could do a miracle like that and yet you refuse to believe that He is from God." The Pharisees got more excited and angry every moment. Finally they took him by the shoulders and pushed him out of the synagogue, saying, "Don't ever come back here again!"

Even though his father and mother had not stood with him, and though he had been put out of the synagogue, their house of worship, the Lord Jesus had not forgotten him. He heard that he had been cast out by the Pharisees, and He came to look for him. He found him, but the blind man did not know who He was, for he had only heard His voice before and had not seen Him.

Jesus said to him, "Do you believe on the Son of God?" The man said, "Who is He, Lord? I would believe on Him if I knew Him!" Jesus replied, "You are looking at Him, and He is talking with you. I am the Son of God." Then the man fell down at His feet and worshiped Him. He cried out, "Lord, I believe." As he knelt at Jesus' feet, the other things all seemed unimportant. It didn't really matter that he had been cast out of the synagogue or that his mother and father had not stood with him. His whole heart went out in love and worship to the Saviour who had opened his eyes and whom he was to serve all the rest of his life.

This wonderful story teaches us how the blindness in our hearts can be healed. The blind man is a picture of you and me. Each of us is born into the world with blindness in our spirits because of sin. We are blind to God's love and care and our need of Jesus. We can not get rid of this blindness of sin ourselves, and no one can help us but Jesus. The blind man heard Jesus speak to him, and he obeyed. We hear God's Word in the Bible. The Bible tells us that Jesus said, "I am the light of the world, he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life." When we truly believe this, we will obey God's Word and come to Jesus, just as the blind man heard and obeyed.

When he obeyed, his eyes were opened to see the wonderful world all around him. When we come to Jesus and trust Him completely, He opens our eyes to see the beauties of the heavenly world. We see how lovely Jesus is, and we want everyone else to see this too. Our eyes are opened to love God's Word and God's house and God's people. Let us all open our hearts wide to the Lord Jesus that His light may shine in every corner and drive out all the darkness.

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